Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011


engga bisa pertahanin kamu lagi..
aku capek banget..
bener-bener ga bisa lagi,
aku capek hubungan kita ga balance kyk gini..
aku capek karna sering kamu jadiin opsi keseribu dalam keseharian kamu..
aku capek karna terkesan cuma aku yang butuh, cuma aku yang sayang, cuma aku yang takut kehilangan..
aku capek kalo suatu saat harus nunggu lagi..
semuanya habis dimakan waktu 11 bulan lalu..dan setelah itu masih pula aku nunggu..
aku capek..capek..capek banget..
itu kenapa aku terpaksa nyakitin kamu..
bukan kamu aja, tapi diri aku sendiri juga...

aku ga tau kenapa..
aku udah siap ambil keputusan ini, tapi....tapi kenapa aku sedih? kenapa sekarang aku nangis ?
aku engga tau pasti aku ini kenapa..
tapi yang jelas, aku belum rela kalo ada orang lain yang bikin kamu tersenyum :(

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

this is our ending story....

you just don't know why i go this way..break up this relationship, suddenly..
but you have to know, if i know this fuckin feeling isn't suddenly, i've felt this so weeks ago since you ignore me when you'r busy with your friends and stuff, plus when you didn't come and cherish me who brought you special macaroni schotel..
oh my god, it's not a first time you ignore me and didn't cherish me..
when our first relationship, you've ignored me, right ? do you remember that ?
do you realize that i'm just a second, upss sorry, i'm thrid, fourth, fiveth, or whatever options for you..
but i sill say "THAT'S OKAY BABY!! :)" but you know what ? every i say tht sentence, rarely i go mad with you but i don't wanna tell you the truth cause i know you have another responsibility and don't wanna ruin that..
i still thinking if you'll change and be better day by day, but what the truth ?
just a lil your changed...A LIL !!
disapointed? yes, desperated ? yes !!!
but why you never realize if you did wrong with me ?
why you always say if you'r MR.RIGHT ???? always right and i'm false -___-
for the first time, i can bring you my big patience, but further, my patience running out..
you really freaking me out..
makes me wanna sreaming and crying all day..
i'm stressed out..did you know that ?
you just don't know how much i'm tired to keep you and this fuckin relationship..
you just don't know how much i love you till you can't cherish me as your girlfriend..
you just don't know what you've did to me..
you just don't know how much you hurting me..
you just don't know your false..
you just don't realize that...
and you just don't know that actually we have to make it balance..
just me who cherish you till i can't cherish myself..
i just look if how precious you are for me without i look how precious myself..
i just...just can't feel "what a boyfriend and relationship are for...."
i can't get it from you...
i know it's my fault, i never shows my pain and all my complaint of you..
that's my fault...
i'm so sorry..but i have a reason for that..
you didn't know me so well, dear..
so sorry for that :(

but one thing you have to know..
that i'm still loving you more and more..
i just need more time to make myself be better for you..
sorry for this bad bad bad relationship :(
sorry i can't being your smile..
sorry i can't being your moon in the middle night..
sorry i can't being your sun in the daylight period..
sorry i can't being your clouds and fresh wind in the morning..
sorry i can't being your beatiful rainbow after the rain..
sorry i can't give you my best..
i know for sure that it's the way you are, it's the way to loving me...
but, i can't keep it anymore..
i can't keep you and all in yours..
i'm too tired..
even such a mistery when you here with me, it's hard to believe i'm still lonely..
patience really running out..
i lose my chemistry when i'm with you..
how do i reverse the chemistry ? huh ? can you tell me ? :"(((

oh dear..
this is time where i have to let you go,
i have to ready to losing you,
i have to let you smile without me,
sorry, i can't be with you anymore..
but, every second with you was so meaningful for me. i mean it baby :")

this love really taking all of my energy :")

thaks for every smile and brighter day with you, you are the best i ever had like i say before..
you are my beatiful love and fish ever after..
i love you, boy :"))))