udah diniatin buat posting ini, sebenernya udah lama mau posting ini,cuma gapernah sempet -_______________-
okeee, let's check this out !! this is bout my dorm ! check all pict on my dorm :D
the first side on my dorm's :
when you come in to my dorm, you'll see my desks for the first :D
meja belajar gw emg gapernah rapih, sekalinya rapih...paling jg 1 jam kemudian berantakan lg -____-
biasanya dimeja belajar gw ada notebook,lampu belajar, segala macem earphone,handphone, jam weker, remote dvd+tv, gak lupa jg ada foto my mommy <3 , buku" yg gw taro dimeja belajar biasanya buku" bahasa korea, dan bahasa inggris, kalo buat buku literatur rusia gw taro dirak buku biar gampang nyarinya -__-
okeeey, next pict and next side :
this is my cozy side..cause there's a TV, DVD, and my PS2 ..
gw emang jarang banget nntn tv, nntn tv paling jg pagi" bgt, liat berita trs nntn spongebob -_- gw lebih sering nntn dvd, yaap ! horor film pastinya !hahaha *ketawa setan*
kalo PS2 , gw baru bawa itu 1 bulan yg lalu kesini, niatnya sih supaya gw betah dinangor, eh ternyata sama aja boong -_- i'm not addict gamer at least .poor me -___-
tp gw bisa tahan berjam" jg sih kalo main GTA ,mulai dari yg liberty city, vice art stories, and the last, GTA san andreas, that's a good game the most i like ..
the third side :
disitu ada lemari gw, yg diatasnya gw sulap jd tempat nyimpen makanan hahahhaa..ada botol minum, gelas", oiya, ada juga kalender SHINee yg gw gantung dilemari..hahaha..what a freakin -____________-
next side :
that's my toilet -_______- i can't explaint more bout it ..
neeexxxxttttttttt :
naaah..ini dia rak buku gw + meja rias ..biasa lah ya sbg cewe normal pasti gw perlu kaca -__________- hehehehe :p
dirak buku gw ada buku" literatur rusia, mulai dari grammar, sastra, kamus, dan sisa" tugas ..
and, the last side is :
this is my important side, my bad, a place where i can spend my time when i feel tired and bored , i can sleep there :) look, there so many dolls..that's my b'day gift from my friend's , they alwasy accompany me when i've been sleep <3
i can sleep well with them :*
yaap ! there's my dorm..
my purple dorm like my room in my house, PURPLE :D colour the most i like ..
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