aaaaa NGAMEEEENNN !! it's 1st time for me :">
aisyah gave me responsibility here for it and i've been doin best i guess although it's still less :( but it's OKEY guys !! we'r TEAM ! and we CAN DO IT together till we get SUCCESS soon :DD
we around the "jatinangor" small city tonight and got few money hahahaha...
i think, it's gave me statisfaction :>
and till now, i wanna take a pictures from every moment we've passed it guys ..
hmm,and it's 1st moment i had taken from us :)

that's amazing pictures..
we'r team , we'r friends, we'r family, and WE'R ONE for sure guys :">
i love you guys :D
next time we'll do it anymore and with full team ..
btw , for our team leader's AISYAH PUTRI and our other team RENI REZKINA, get better soon baby , we love you :> we really hope you all will could accompany us soon <3
3rd march 2011 <3
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